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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Not so scared

The best thing happened this morning! My fears about seeing old friends at the wedding have begun to completely melt away. I stopped at Michael’s to get new woodless graphite. [Last week like an idiot who’s never used it before I wasn’t being careful getting out of my car and I dropped the whole container of my graphite and the lid was off, they shattered.] I walked into the pencil aisle and there were two people stocking it. I did a double take when I saw the guy because I didn’t realize at first that I knew him. He recognized me too. He smiled really big and pulled me in for a hug. We talked for a few minutes and he helped me find my graphite. The fact that we were both smiling and excited to see each other made me feel better. He brought up the wedding first and I’m so happy he is going to be there too. My fears have melted away now. I know the groom had been being really supportive before and telling me not to worry but somehow seeing I had nothing to worry about made me feel better.

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