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Friday, June 13, 2014

Can't Be Treated This Way

A Continuation...
By the time I had a break in the angry customers at 2:30 I was furious! Why not? Not only did my office lose a whole day’s revenue, the main office was going to see the computer data as so late and I had just had customers screaming at me for a little over two hours. I had lost a few very important accounts because I was no longer reliable enough to be open on days I should be.

So I call the postmaster of my APO. I ask her if there was anything she wanted to tell me about my office yesterday. She says no. I get angrier very quickly. I ask her if she is sure. She tells me that there was no one there until 3 and that I can’t just do that. At this point already I am pretty sure I am yelling. I tell her I was promised coverage. She said she never promised me coverage and asks where I got that idea from. I tell her which of her underlings promised me it. She tells me I should be cross at that women instead of her. I said fine then give me to her but she didn’t. [Now this woman is the postmaster of this facility that means she is in charge of everyone else there. Someone else gave me the promise of coverage okay I get that but look how quickly she passed the blame instead of admitting there must have been a problem in communication between her and her underlings.] She did not pass me off to anyone instead she started to yell at me. Now of course I’m upset and angry. I told her that since I’ve opened today all that has happened is people have yelled because I was closed so yeah, I’m cross.

Instead she yells at me for taking off. She’s trying to make me the villain because I took a day. My last day off for something nonmedical was April 26th for First Communion (She was not even here yet) and before that was the end of December. Other than that I take one day of every three months for my medical treatment which is medical and I can prove documentation which I state on the form and that was yesterday. She kept yelling at me until I cried. How dare she? It was medical. She doesn’t have the right to do that and I won’t stand for that. I don’t deserve to be treated poorly for that. Normally I strive not to be treated or act and differently even though I have this disability, that why no matter how bad a migraine I have I still go to work. I might be barely there and have taken my most powerful medication but I still try my best. She cannot make me feel guilty for that. Bitch.

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