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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Making friends and collecting favors

When I was in high school I had friends in lots of different cliques and social groups. My friend, Bruce and I watched people we knew like our class president and the captain of the cheerleading squad have friends everywhere and how people liked to help them and be there for them because they were/are nice people.

Bruce and I did something similar. When I was getting harassed by one of his idiot friends and I was more than ready to flatten his friend like a pancake he asked me to wait a bit. By the next day, his friend had stopped. Turned out, it helped to have that particular connection. We started to use these connections of people we knew in different social groups to our advantages. If we knew someone was getting picked on we tried to put a stop to it. (If the person bullying was a friend of ours, then it was easy, sometimes we had to go through our friends to get it to stop). This system became very effective and we met a lot of new people that way and collected a lot of favors from people.

After a few years and my working really hard to mellow out my temper, I decided (privately of course) to just forget about most of the favors I was owed. But with the upcoming wedding of two of my closest friends there have been some last minute glitches. I’ve been fighting myself really hard not to go wheeling and dealing quite like I did in high school. Most of the things I am working on now are last minute things that the couple forgot in the state they currently live in or was not able to find yet. For the most part I am offering some payment in return for whatever I am asking for helping me to get or find. It is just really fun to get to use my Corp. Klinger skills again, I missed them. I like using my powers of persuasion to make people happy. I just have to make sure to keep it in check and only get what people really need and to make the deal that is as close to fair for everyone every time as I can get.

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