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If you are a enjoying what you're reading please help me out. Not only am I writing this blog to better hammer out the vision God has given me but it is also an assignment for one of my master's courses. So comments and interactions are welcome. Also following the blog is very welcome and appreciated because I need a certain amount of followers to get a good grade on this assignment. Thanks and God Bless, Jocelyn

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Wedding Ceremony Finished

Well tonight I am happy.
Today with less then 10 days to spare I have finished. writing the wedding ceremony for the wedding I am officiating at the end of the month. I had everything all written for quite a long time except for the opening remarks in the beginning. You know, that part where I am supposed to talk about love, marriage and all that jazz. I've had what I wanted to say for weeks but I was having trouble getting it down on paper the way I wanted it. Now I have it and I couldn't be happier. I actually have two versions to chose from. I have one version that only goes on for about four minutes and another that goes on for adds another two minutes in the middle. I don't know which I like better yet but it will most likely be the short one. I would post them on this blog but I don't was to spoil it for the bride and groom.

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